Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Prelim Account of Shoot Day

We shot the scene in a spare classroom with our actresses Ellie and Libby wearing their own clothes. Blonde lighting was set up to help create the atmosphere, this meant that we had to check the white balance on our camera, we did this by putting a piece of paper in front of it and then adjusting the camera settings until the lighting looked normal.
The calssroom was a good location as it had lots of available props for us to use such as desks, chairs and books.
We started out with a Wide establishing shot to set the scene. The recorded the sound of them walking in and out the doors. We then raised the level of the tripod so that Ellie was looking down on Libby making her appear weak and vulnerable, we then did the opposite for Ellie by loweering the tripod so that the camera was looking up at Ellie. This made her appear ominous and threatening. we also did close ups of libby's eyes moving left and right appearing nervous and anxious. we then did over the shoulder shots aswell.
We also changed the location shooting Ellie walking in and out of the classroom from outside. All together we took lots of different various shots which will give us lots of different options when editing.
When filming, we had to continuously be aware of the 180 degree rule because if we broke it than it would mean that the person whom I am filming at that time, would suddenly appear in a different position than they were before and this could confuse the audience.
Overall i thought the preliminary task went really well and was a really good learning experience for us all.

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